我是一名网络艺术家,根据网络印象绘制人物。 我受到连线艺术和 2000 年代数字设计档案中的同时代人的启发,具有类似于 Y. Sadamoto 或 Peter Chung 的敏锐解剖学设计感。 我用电脑鼠标画一切,拥抱自发性和阈限性。 我对线条缺乏精细的运动控制,这迫使我相信自己的直觉,让图像拥有自己的生命,脱离制图技巧。 我不能说我正在寻找任何具体的东西,而是一种普遍的惊奇感。 我让图像带我去他们想去的地方,所以我的风格经常变化。 对于角色设计,这是一种流动感; 设计源于任何感觉自然且令人满意的形状。 我的灵感来自于以精确而精致的方式填充空间的设计。 这些符号开始自我重复并呈现出模糊的半含义,但我在画它们时还没有任何具体的想法。
I'm a net artist, drawing figures born from online impressions. I'm inspired by my contemporaries in Wired art and 2000s digital design archives, with a sharp anatomical design sense similar to Y. Sadamoto or Peter Chung. I draw everything with a computer mouse, embracing spontaneity and liminality. My lack of fine motor control over the lines forces me to trust my intuition, letting the images take on a life of their own, detached from draftsmanship. I can't say that I'm searching for anything specific, but rather a general sense of wonder. I let the images take me where they want to go, so my style changes frequently. For character designs, it's a sense of flow; the design grows from whatever shapes feel natural and satisfying to draw. I'm inspired by designs that fill out space in a precise and delicate way. The symbols start to repeat themselves and take on a vague half-meaning, but I don't have anything specific in mind when I draw them yet.
> Return homeLamplight Angel, 2020
Digital Paint, 1223x929 PNG
I’d walk half-a-mile late at night to the empty parking lot whose lamp posts buzzed so loud I could feel it in the asphalt. The lot would slowly expand the longer I stood there. The black warped the road out impossibly far. I don't know if anyone else could hear it.
我是一名网络艺术家,根据网络印象绘制人物。 我受到连线艺术和 2000 年代数字设计档案中的同时代人的启发,具有类似于 Y. Sadamoto 或 Peter Chung 的敏锐解剖学设计感。 我用电脑鼠标画一切,拥抱自发性和阈限性。 我对线条缺乏精细的运动控制,这迫使我相信自己的直觉,让图像拥有自己的生命,脱离制图技巧。 我不能说我正在寻找任何具体的东西,而是一种普遍的惊奇感。 我让图像带我去他们想去的地方,所以我的风格经常变化。 对于角色设计,这是一种流动感; 设计源于任何感觉自然且令人满意的形状。 我的灵感来自于以精确而精致的方式填充空间的设计。 这些符号开始自我重复并呈现出模糊的半含义,但我在画它们时还没有任何具体的想法。
I'm a net artist, drawing figures born from online impressions. I'm inspired by my contemporaries in Wired art and 2000s digital design archives, with a sharp anatomical design sense similar to Y. Sadamoto or Peter Chung. I draw everything with a computer mouse, embracing spontaneity and liminality. My lack of fine motor control over the lines forces me to trust my intuition, letting the images take on a life of their own, detached from draftsmanship. I can't say that I'm searching for anything specific, but rather a general sense of wonder. I let the images take me where they want to go, so my style changes frequently. For character designs, it's a sense of flow; the design grows from whatever shapes feel natural and satisfying to draw. I'm inspired by designs that fill out space in a precise and delicate way. The symbols start to repeat themselves and take on a vague half-meaning, but I don't have anything specific in mind when I draw them yet.